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Tina Fey & Amy Poehler Talk Golden Globe Getups

They’re a huge hit as a hosting duo for the Golden Globes Awards and for 2015 Tina Fey and Amy Poehler have already selected their outfits.

The “30 Rock” actress says she’ll wear a “Pierre d’Jambon romper with cheese and children’s ice skates,” in a new television spot. Meanwhile, Ms. Poehler will don an “ER bandage dress and stilts by the Ohio stilt king.”

Amy also wonders, "This is our third time. How are we going to keep it fresh?" to which Tina fires back, “Uh, we're not.”

As for the reason they keep agreeing to host, the ladies explain, “We don’t think we would be able to get in unless we were hosting. Not anymore.”

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