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Angelina Jolie Reveals She’ll Be ‘Doing Much Less As An Actor’ Now That She’s An Acclaimed Director

Angelina Jolie has revealed that we may be seeing a lot less of her on screen now that she's broken through as an acclaimed director. The Oscar winner, whose directorial debut Unbroken arrives in cinemas this Christmas, admitted that she'll be taking less roles as an actress and plans to channel her energy into directing. But to be fair, juggling one career with six children is hard enough, let alone two!

Dividng the time between directing and acting as well as caring for six kids must be near impossible, with or without the help of a team of nannies, yet somehow Ange, being the superwomen that she is, has always made it work. But while she teases that her acting career may be slowing down now that she's found her place as a director, the 39-year-old has assured us all that she's still got a few more roles left in her yet. Phew!

“I see myself moving into directing more and doing much less as an actor," Jolie explained to Entertainment Weekly. "I have a few more in me, ones I have been developing for some time, so I will do those before I step away."

Following the release of Unbroken, the biopic of Louis Zamperini, the Olympic track star turned war hero who survived 47 days stranded at sea before being detained in a Japanese prison, Angelina will return to the big screen next year alongside hubby Brad Pitt in the gritty drama Under The Sea – written, directed and starring Ange. Excuse us while we bow down to her awesomeness.

Angelina hints that she'll break away from acting (Splash News)

Angelina recently broke down in tears during the Australian premiere of her directorial debut Unbroken. At the world premiere, a message form the Prisoner of War, Zamperini was read, which said that Angelina “became a great part of my life. She knows what she wants, and she knows what she's doing, and I trust her one hundred per cent. I have all the confidence in the world that Unbroken will be a great film."

After quickly composing herself, the trooper carried proceeded to pose for photos with her trademark Hollywood smile. Unbroken opens in UK cinemas this Boxing Day.

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