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Wait, Why Are Ryan Lochte’s Locks Green Now?


A few days ago, American swimmer Ryan Lochte made a splash across the internet by revealing his new silver hairdo. Everyone took note and was talking about it leading up to his competitions, and it was determined that he did it because, well, he likes to be different.

So then, why, just days after the big reveal, is his hair now green? Well, it turns out Lochte failed to follow the advice of his hair stylist Jenn Jones — mainly, chlorine is horrible for platinum hair dye.

“Pool water was a huge concern for me because, of course, I don’t want him to look like crap,” Jones said. “He’s a beautiful dude,” she added.

It turns out the chemicals in the pools he competes in has had a negative reaction to his hair, turning the Anderson Cooper looking silver into a more Joker style green.

There it is the 4 x 200 free relay winning #gold for #USA #oympics

A photo posted by Ryanlochte (@ryanlochte) on

Apparently Lochte tried to follow her advice. He used leave-in conditioner recommended by Jones, but “his cap kept falling off so it wasn’t a possibility for him.”

At least he realized a gold medal is more important than silver hair. And Lochte can rest easy knowing that, even though it’s not the original color he wanted, his green hair still accomplishes the goal of making him stand out.

4 Olympics straight we've won this relay. So humbled to be apart of this moment! #USA #olympics #relay #gold

A photo posted by Ryanlochte (@ryanlochte) on

Well done, Ryan.

Wait, Why Are Ryan Lochte’s Locks Green Now? is a post from: Gossip On This - Pop Culture, News, Videos & Humor

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