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Taylor Schilling Sizzles On The Edit’s Latest Cover

With so much going on these days, it’s a wonder Taylor Schilling has time to do cover stories for magazines. However the “Orange is the New Black” babe is gorgeous on the front of the new edition from Net-a-Porter’s The EDIT.

Taylor told the publication that her rebellious nature is something she’s always possessed- "I think I was just born rogue. My parents did not have a good relationship. There was no sense of, 'This is where you belong. This is how you have a friend over for a tea party. This is how you go to a dance.' It was chaotic. I thought, well, I might as well go off-map."

And it sounds like Ms. Schilling has found her sweet spot in the Netflix original series- "There are expectations people have of blond-haired, blue-eyed girls, and that's to be good. That's how [my character] Piper grew up. She was meant to follow the rules: marry a man, have a baby and a business that her mother approves of. [But] the center could not hold. And now she's scrambling to put the pieces back together to find out who she is, and it doesn't fit in the mold. It can feel painful to be on the outside looking in, and it can be incredibly liberating to say, 'Alright, I've got nothing to lose.’”

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