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Jennifer Connelly is Enchanting on Town & Country June/July 2015 Cover

With plenty of talent and an amazing resume, Jennifer Connelly has carved out her own niche in the overcrowded Tinseltown scene.

The “Labyrinth” actress is featured on the front of the June/July 2015 issue of Town & Country in which she explains the career transition that occurred after the birth of her daughter- “All of a sudden I’m reading scripts where I’m the mother of the woman who’s going on the adventure, and just sort of sitting on the sidelines. I was like, ‘Wait a minute.’ What was interesting was that it seemed to happen so quickly.”

Jennifer also discusses the differences between herself and husband Paul Bettany- "I’m more reserved. I can be kind of shy in a group. I mean, I manage it pretty well, but he’s much more outgoing than I am. Once I’m comfortable with someone, I’m not reserved. I’m a compulsive confessor.”

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