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Seth MacFarlane Talks Holiday Album and Oscar Boob Song in Glamour Magazine December 2014

He’s a man of many talents and Seth MacFarlane just released a new album filled with holiday hits and traditional ditties.

In his interview for the December 2014 issue of Glamour magazine, the “A Million Ways to Die in the West” star explained, “The record label suggested it—probably because they sell well. [Laughs.] But I take music seriously. I keep it separate from the Family Guy world.”

Seth also confessed that he tends to get nervous when he sings- “I do for live performances, but it’s nothing that a shot of whiskey won’t cure. Oddly, I was only really nervous about the dancing at the Oscars.”

Speaking of the Oscars, MacFarlane was criticized for being sexist with his opening song “We Saw Your Boobs”- “That’s a pretty serious accusation. [The song] was presented as part of an alternate universe where everything at the Oscars was done incorrectly, [but] the media ignored the context entirely. Comedy and satire being treated with more outrage than actual sexism, racism, or homophobia makes no sense at all.”

As for the biggest misconception people have about him, Seth explained, “I’ll never understand the use of the word misogynist. It’s no different than saying somebody is racist. I’m sure a lot of that comes from Family Guy because of its edge, but I am not Family Guy. My manager is a woman, my accountant is a woman. My producer, who runs all of the animated television series and presides over everyone, is a woman. I’m not sure how that label applies given those realities and my personal philosophies.”

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