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Stacey Dash Slams Oprah For Comments on Race, Trayvon Martin


Stacey Dash is a prime example of why some celebrities should keep their political beliefs to themselves.

Given the fact that Clueless was almost 20 years ago and she hasn’t been on network TV regularly in a smooth two years, you would think Dash would be less concerned about sharing her bullheaded beliefs and more into finding herself some work.

Or maybe I just haven’t stopped by a Redbox lately and seen Stacey’s latest updates to her IMDB page. Whatever the case, I don’t see it for her trying to position herself as the negro Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Case in point, Stacey venturing to Twitter to take Mother Oprah Winfrey to task over her comments about Trayvon Martin and race. Dash, one of those black Republicans who likes to pretend racism went away after Dr. King awakened from his dream, tweeted, “Shame on you, Oprah.”

That shady tweet was in reference to Oprah’s comparison of Trayvon Martin to Emmett Till, a Black boy who was murdered in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14 after flirting with a white woman. I’m pretty sure Oprah meant that it’s two cases in which Black teenagers were slaughtered and the savages responsible were let off the hook.

Dash then went on to post the following quote from Malcolm X: “’If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Uh, is she trying to say that…you know what? Never mind. Stacey Dash is out of her mind and on the tit of white supremacy and right-wing extremism. The two aren’t always mutually exclusive, but they sure are in this instance.

Stacey, hush up and let someone far more informed do the talking. You just go audition or something in the meantime.

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