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Ms. Lauryn Hill Missed Too Many Payments On Her Home, Agrees to Move Out

You can expect Lauryn Hill to be casually dropping more singles in the not too distant future. Mama’s got bills to pay, y’all.

According to TMZ, Ms. Lauryn Hill will be vacating her New Jersey home after what has been described as a “bitter dispute” between she and her landlords. You see, building owners start to get nasty when you owe them back rent.

After she reportedly failed to pay her rent in March, L-Boogie’s landlords filed an eviction suit against her. Since then, she’s reached a settlement and has agreed to pay $7,000 in rent and vacate by May 31st.

I wonder if she kicked a hole in the wall or wrote “Capitalistic vulture imperialists sympathizers” on the wall in goat blood, or something, before leaving the premises.

Regardless, I can see why she left. I mean, she’s about to go to federal prison for tax evasion in July anyway. I feel for this woman.

Since I’m not Frazier Crane, I’m not entirely sure what her deal is, but I do know it’s something, though, and I hope she gets it together somewhere in the time frame of before, during, and after her release from prison.

She is too talented and has enjoyed waaaay too many successes to be broke.

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