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Fred Armisen Owns Up to Ruining Marriage to Elisabeth Moss

He’s loved by millions as one of the long-running cast members of “Saturday Night Live,” but Fred Armisen couldn’t seem to get his ex-wife Elisabeth Moss to stick around.

The 46-year-old comedian came clean about his marital faults during an interview on Howard Stern’s radio show.

Stern began, "She must f--king hate you," to which Fred replied, "I imagine so." Howard added, "I've read some quotes from her about you. She [said] you're a great actor, but too bad you didn't act like a human being . . . you must have been a terrible husband."

Armisen confessed, "I think I was a terrible husband, I think I'm a terrible boyfriend… I want it all – fast. I want to be married . . . the amount of girls I've lived with right away . . . and then somewhere around a year, two years, I get freaked out."

"[It's] awful . . . you sort of withdraw and you sort of get into all the things you think make you weird, like 'I'm really into playing XBOX . . [or my] record collection.' You sort of disappear into the things that you think are just your hobbies. It must be so shocking to the woman because you're this guy who is so super-attentive in the beginning . . . and you are like the best boyfriend in the beginning, and then you become the worst boyfriend. I feel bad for everyone I've gone out with," he noted.

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