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Joe Jonas Reveals Opening Sequence of ‘See No More’ in Single Snippet

Joe Jonas Reveals Opening Sequence of 'See No More' in Single Snippet

Share Fri, 27 May 2011 04:12:19 ET

The middle of the Jonas Brothers has released a teaser which gives a closer look at his hectic life with music of his new single being played on the background.Joe Jonas has released a short snippet of his forthcoming solo single "See No More" which will be included in his upcoming album tentatively titled "Fast Life". The track, which kicks off with instrumental sequence, is due to premiere on June 3, while the album itself is planned to be launched on September 6.

The 21-year-old star recently admitted that his new song actually represents his personal emotion. He enthused, "[My single] 'See No More' especially carries a lot of personal emotions with it and I am hoping people listening to it will get a sense of where I'm coming from with this new sound."

Joe is currently preparing to film a new music video. Speaking to MTV about his clip project, he shared, "I've been working with director now to come up with the concept and the entire idea of what it is for me."

"I think it's more so about how the emotions and the feelings that are going through and how you're dealing with them and just displaying them in physical actions," he added. "So it'll be the first really thought-out video that I've done."


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