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Indian Airline Wants Skinny Women Flight Attendants to Curb Fuel Costs

If your dream is to become a flight attendant for an Indian airline, make sure you’re A.) a woman and B.) thin.

GoAir has apparently become that cheap, pain in the ass friend that seldom chips in for gas. The South Asian airline has reportedly determined that each kilo a plane carries cost $0.05 per hour in fuel, so if they hire slender lady flight attendants, which will save them at least $500,000 a year.

Remember when heavyset passengers being forced to pay for two seats stirred outraged? It’s amazing how far we haven’t come in the world since then.

Though the Times of India reported that the airline would be seeking a mostly female cabin crew, the company tells CNN that’s not the case. They’re maintaining that it’s not about gender, it’s just a weight thing. Just a little harmless fat shaming in order to save money.

To be fair, these restrictions don’t just affect flight staff but the size of inflight magazines, which will be reduced, and portable water tanks, which won’t be filled to capacity.

Don’t be surprise if more airlines start to implement these policies and don’t be shocked if one day you’re required to enter your weight before finding out how much your flight costs.

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